About me

Below are a variety of images of work I have created through a series of projects during this year. The Foundation Pre Degree course has enabled me to open up fresh ideas and ways of making images. For example some of the images below are a direct result of playing with the notion of “ping” and “pong” as a mark making activity. This was quite a surprise as I began to develop my mark making ideas into a series of prints, I started with mono prints and then began to develop them using shapes as masked areas within the prints. By gradually overprinting I was able to develop some of my favourite images. From this I can see developmental opportunities that could be taken into textiles.
Whilst on the course I have had the opportunity to work with textiles and have enjoyed this, so much so that I am applying to your course. Being involved in a textiles environment would appeal to me as it is such a rich and diverse field. I would like to know more about the business side of textile production as well as developing and creating my own work. I realise that there are many aspects of working in the textiles industry that I have yet to experience, I would hope that your course would introduce me to many of these.
My present course has offered a lot of challenges such as life drawing and colour mixing which take a considerable amount of concentrated effort and discipline.
On a lighter note I was able to visit Florence and Siena. At the Uffizi gallery I was interested by the work of Sandro Botticelli, particularly the painting called the Birth of Venus.